Learning harp online
The internet is amazing. There are so many resources, both for free and behind paywalls. These can complement your private lessons or serve as alternatives.
Online harp schools
There are fees involved with these courses, but all of the sites offer some useful information for free.
Learning the Harp with Christy-Lyn➚: Video courses and a supportive member community. Because these are video courses, you can watch them at any time, at your own pace. Check it out via a free trial, or explore Christy-Lyn’s free YouTube Channel➚.
Fairplay Harp School➚: Online group learning on a schedule led by Shelley Fairplay. Various courses are available throughout the year. Check out the free immersion course.
Hip Harp Academy➚: “Hip Harp Academy was created by Award-Winning harpist, composer and performer Deborah Henson-Conant as a year-long virtual learning experience for harpists worldwide who want the skills, tools and inspiration to break away from the notes on the page and develop their unique creative expression through improv and self-expression. We do that through CLASSES, COACHING and a powerful, supportive COMMUNITY so you can always ask questions and you never have to do it alone.”
How to Harp➚: Videos and live sessions with Heather Downie. Learn general techniques and specific songs, available in arrangements of increasing difficulty. Or, explore Heather’s free YouTube Channel➚.
Here are some great videos from my favorite harp channels.
Christy-Lyn is a fantastic teacher and arranger. Here, she gives pros and cons of working without a teacher.
IT’S HARP TUESDAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Learn with Josh Layne.
Talking Harps is an excellent interview series. Here’s a great short with Carol Kappus.
The Harp Gathering is a terrific channel with workshops and concerts. Watch Sunita’s elegant hands here.
Anne Crosby Gaudet is particularly loved for arrangements that are interesting and accessible to beginners and early intermediate harpists.
Samantha Ballard is best known for her arrangements of video game music. This terrific video is applicable to any genre.
Cindy Shelhart hosts a video podcast devoted to the double-strung harp.
Carolyn Deal is the queen of double-strung harps! This tutorial is useful to players of any type of harp.
HarpSong➚: By Maureen Buscareno, director of the Somerset Folk Harp Festival. “I hope to inspire you and to help you discover amazing music and artists from around the world. I love bringing people together through collaboration, creativity, and community through the arts. And all along my journey I’ve always met interesting and talented people.”
Harp Column➚: Mostly featuring interviews with pedal harpists, but lever harpers aren’t completely neglected.
Learning the Harp together!➚: Private group. “For Adults who are Learning to Play the Harp... sometimes it's a tough journey, but let's encourage each other and share our progress!”
How to Harp➚: Private group. “Sharing tips, tricks and advice! My passion is helping everyone find easy and accessible ways to enjoy the harp and it’s wonderful music😊”
Celtic Harp➚: Private group. “For those who play as professionals or amateurs, harp makers, or those who enjoy listening to Celtic Harp (Wire, Gut or Nylon Strung)--this is your group. The group is for promotion and appreciation of the Celtic harp in all types, shapes and sizes… All playing styles are welcome, all ideas and opinions included!”
Double-Strung Harp➚: Private group. “This group is for those who play, wish to play, love to hear, or want to learn more about the double-strung harp… You do not have to own or play a double-strung harp or any harp to be part of this group.”
Blogs and forums
Harp care, the history of the harp, FAQs on any harp topic, learning tips, teaching tips, building tips...you can find it all online:
My Harp’s Delight➚: Celtic harp blog, tips on playing/buying, links to free sheet music, learning resources, and more links.
Harp Spectrum➚: Great articles on all sorts of harp-related topics.
Harplist➚: A former Yahoo! group that has been active since 1990. Search the archive for answers, or join up if you want a daily dose of harpers all over helping each other and being helped.
Amateur Harpists forum from Harp Column➚: Various harp-related discussion boards. They are more focused on pedal harp than lever, but many questions and answers are applicable to both.
The Celtic Harp Page➚: Even more links to harp resources. Compiles reviews of method/technique books for beginners and teachers.
Harp publications
If you still enjoy reading pieces of paper, consider these:
The Folk Harp Journal➚: Full color, quarterly magazine with a focus on folk harps (all the harps that aren’t pedal harps). You can subscribe or pick it up at your local bookstore. Articles on different types of harps, help with practicing, harp history, plus classifieds and sheet music. Pretty awesome.
Harp Column Magazine➚: Full color, quarterly magazine with a focus on pedal harp.
The American Harp Journal➚: Comes twice a year with membership to the American Harp Society.
Other helpful harpers
Cynthia Cathcart➚ is an incredible wire-strung harpist, music researcher, and professional goal-setter in Maryland. She offers lessons via video-conference.
Ray Pool➚ is terrific at teaching harp, ear training, and reading lead sheets. He has terrific videos of harp basics➚ on YouTube, and very nice video introduction to the Dorian mode➚. He offers lessons via video-conference.
Robbin-Gordon Cartier➚ is an energetic and life-affirming harpist in northern New Jersey offering workshops, performances, and lessons.
Pamela Bruner➚ plays the harp beautifully. She is also a vocalist and success coach.
Carol Kappus➚ is the inventor of the Magic Hands course➚ to build reusable patterns in your hand positions. She has several other books of arrangements and original pieces for harp. Carol offers workshops and lessons.
See a list of harp teachers from Sylvia Woods➚ and a list of harp teachers from the Celtic Harp Page➚.
What else would you like to see listed on this page? Email me with suggestions and updates.
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